COVID-19 vaccines workshop

COVID-19 vaccines workshop

Dear friends, I am happy to have had you join me in our second science meeting within the last 12 months! Even though I feel like I have shared less than 10% of what it is worth knowing about this crazy pandemic, I hope that part of the rest of 90% will be covered by the information I will be sharing with you via this Doctor MIT web page created especially for you.

Also a big THANK YOU for all the insightful questions that you have addressed me! It mirrors your community’s deep understanding of the process and highlights your care and concern towards others; therefore, I promise to further share the newest information about the virus variants and the vaccines to be developed later on. Thank you, Kathrin and Ximena for your great initiative!


Dr. Bogdan Ivanescu
Dr. Bogdan Ivanescu

For the last two decades, I have put all my efforts into serving the general public’s health, either from a managerial position such as General Manager of RomGerMed and Saint Lukas Hospital or from a more entrepreneurial perspective.

In this respect, starting with 2009, Romanian expecting families can store in Denmark, Germany, or the UK the young stem cells (hematopoietic & mesenchymal) collected at the birth of their children. Such a medical service is available via Stem Sure, the first Western stem cells company to come to Romania and still the only company to offer stem cells transplants in Romania; I was able to build up this enterprise with support from my partner, Gabriel Stanciu, CEO Alstom Transport Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldova.

Logo Stem Sure
Click for more info

A few years later, in 2013, I have founded the first Romanian medical media platform, “Doctor MIT” (Doctor MYTH), which busts all the terrible medical myths we have come to believe in and also promotes the best medical services and health-related products I can get my hands on.

In case that your company might be interested into promoting its services / products with the help of Doctor MIT, here you may find all the relevant statistic and commercial data about Doctor MIT platform.

Doctor MIT
Click for more info

Five years later, starting with 2018, following the idea of my partner, H.E. Mr. Roberto Musneci, the Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta in Romania, Doctor MIT offers Romanians the only progenitor cells treatment for big burns, arthrosis, or rejuvenation. Rigenera, the autologous / homologous micrografting technology, has been invented in Italy, has NATO DNA, and, apart from its standard applications, is being used for tissue research by ESA (European Space Agency).

Click for more info

For the last couple of years, I provide scientific information to the Romanian public via Stiinta&Tehnica Magazine, the most prestigious science magazine in Romania. In its +70 years of uninterrupted existence, Stiinta&Tehnica has inspired millions to become scientists and has provided reliable information. As the Medical Editor of the magazine, I am also a guarantor of such, and I invite you all to join the S&T community.

Stiinta si Tehnica, workshop,
Stiinta & Tehnica

COVID-19 vaccines workshop follow up

Below you may find the list of questions that you have sent before the workshop. In the following days we will add the list of the questions that have been addressed during the workshop.


  1. Which allergies are not compatible with the vaccine?
  2. What are the risks of the AstraZeneca vaccine if your immune system is not very strong/ your physical condition is low?
  3. What’s the difference in the vaccines, how are they made?
  4. Will in the future Covid vaccinations be given on a yearly basis like the influenza shot?
  5. Will the Covid vaccine be less effective if the time between the two shots is 6 weeks?
  6. Both doses have to be of the same vaccine?
  7. Why do I have to wear a mask if I have been vaccinated?
  8. Is it true that if you have had Covid you don’t need both doses?
  9. How hard is it to adapt the different vaccines to the mutations?
  10. Will we all need booster vaccinations and how often?
  11. Is there new findings about vaccinated people still spreading the virus?
  12. If you had Covid – how long are you protected to get infected again?
  13. Can you be vaccinated anyway? How much later should it be done?
  14. How long does it take after the FIRST shot until protection is build up?
  15. Can it be quantified in %?
  16. What do the latest studies say about extending the time until giving the 2nd vaccination (12 weeks instead of 8 weeks or more): would the immunisation be higher and how high would the maximal protection be?
  17. Can different vaccines be combined? For example after being vaccinated twice with Astra Zeneca would it be possible to get a booster shot in autumn with a Pfizer vaccine that has been adapted to the mutations? Obviously the Pfizer vaccine can be adapted to the mutations more easily than Astra Zeneca, right?
  18. Are you protected already between the first and the second shot?
  19. How long does it take after the second shot to get max protection?
  20. Are there new findings about how long the immunisationmight last?


Use Google Automatic Webpage Translate function in order to read in your preffered language.

Doctor MIT Articles
Doctor MIT episodes, workshop,


Q&A session starts at 11’28’’.

Might be of interest



Starting with the 15th of March,  Romania enters Phase 3 - the vaccination is opened to the general public in general. Non Romanian citizens that own a CNP (Cod Numeric Personal - Personal Identification Number) document can already start registering at:

Please note that this is a first step into registering in the Romanian National COVID-19 Platform. Once this has been accomplished, you can book an appointment to get vaccinated from 15th of March onwards.

Additionally to the link provided above, there is also the chance to book by calling the emergency nr:  021.795.00.54, 021.9462




Dr. Bogdan Ivanescu




Doctor MiT

Doctorul Bogdan Ivanescu este co-fondator al bancii de tesuturi umane StemSure (2009), fiind implicat in primul transplant de celule hematopoietice din Romania. Totodata este creatorul platformei medicale Doctor MiT (2013), asumandu-si astfel rolul de a valida sau de a desconspira miturile medicale in care am ajuns sa credem si gazda documentarului romanesc de biotehnologie Biocod realizat de catre DIGI World. Este promotor al celor mai noi tehnologii medicale aparute la nivel mondial precum Rigenera si un fervent sustinator al cauzei ce promoveaza masurile ecologice pentru limitarea efectelor incalzirii globale. In acest sens compania pe care a fondat-o planteaza cate un copac pentru fiecare copil pentru care parintii aleg sa recolteze celule primordiale la nastere. Este membru al echipei studiului clinic ce implementeaza in Romania transplantul cu celule recoltate la nastere pentru tratarea autismului la copii.

copilul, somnul copilului,
Somnul copilului si dezvoltarea creierului? EP. 2


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COVID-19 vaccines workshop